State of Search: Highlighting Highlights of Semrush’s Report

Hands type on a laptop while a digital image of the world in white floats above the keyboard to illustrate State of Search Highlighting Highlights of Semrush’s Report

The good folks at Semrush recently put together a handy guide to what they call the State of Search. I thought it would be worthwhile to highlight a few of the, well, highlights!

First off, Semrush reports that a whopping 140 billion “visits per month on average were recorded in 2022.” Those numbers dipped mid-year, reflecting a similar dip in overall economic activity. Traffic recovered by the end of the year heading into 2023, and 18% of total traffic came from search.

So why bring this up now, considering we’re just finishing up the third quarter of 2023? Because the insights revealed by the Semrush team this past spring do more than just shine a light on the past; they also help illuminate a path forward for those of us engaged in the science and art of digital marketing strategy.

State of Search:

The Ups (and Updates!) and Downs

Several industries experienced growth — sometimes quite good growth — in search traffic. These include the electronics (16% growth), media (12%), food (8%), and beauty (4%) industries.

Many industries experienced a dip in their search traffic numbers. For example, the fashion industry saw a 16% dip in traffic. Semrush also lists drops in search traffic for the service (down 6%), travel (down 4%), and retail (down 3%) industries.

Google Updates

Google had 10 confirmed updates in 2022. Semrush reports that “volatility was higher in 2022 compared to 2021. It’s possible that Google made more frequent but less intense updates without labeling them as such.”

Also, for three years now, the total number of unique ranking domains has been downgrading. Semrush suggests that Google may be getting more strict with its rankings, meaning that high-quality content is more important than ever. (We agree!)

You can see an infographic of Semrush’s findings here, along with a link to go further into your exploration of this topic.

Our Thoughts on the State of Search

Semrush’s State of Search report is a comprehensive and insightful analysis of the ever-evolving landscape of online search. It highlights trends, statistics, and key insights that shape the world of digital marketing and search engine optimization (SEO). Thus, it serves as a valuable resource for marketers, SEO professionals, and businesses seeking to stay ahead in the competitive online sphere.

For insights into search trends, search engine algorithms, user behavior, and content consumption related to your business, it’s best to partner with an experienced team of professionals, like those of us at Webfor. We analyze data from our clients’ websites, scour search queries, identify emerging patterns, and offer actionable recommendations for optimizing your online marketing strategies.

Search button on a keyboard to illustrate State of Search Highlighting Highlights of Semrush’s ReportSemrush’s State of Search report is a treasure trove of information for anyone involved in digital marketing and SEO — not to mention their clients. The report provides a comprehensive view of the evolving search landscape, offers actionable insights, and equips businesses with the knowledge they need to thrive in an increasingly competitive online world.

As search engine algorithms and user behavior continue to evolve, staying informed through reports like these is essential for staying ahead of the curve. This is true whether one crafts blog posts, product and service pages, content for social media platforms, paid ads, affiliate marketing, or pay-per-click (PPC) content.

Effective digital marketing spreads media messaging across all forms of digital marketing channels. The type of digital marketing you choose — and the digital channels you utilize to craft your messaging — play a huge role in the ultimate success of a campaign.

Even practitioners of more traditional marketing tactics could benefit from the insights provided by State of Search-style roundups. At some point, you’ll need to get your message across digital media so that internet users will find your content and engage with it both in the short term and the long term.

Let Webfor know if you have any questions, or if you’d like to meet with us to get started on your own digital marketing efforts for this year — and beyond.