Top Ten Digital Marketing Tools to Try Today

Best Digital Marketing Tools

In today’s competitive landscape, businesses need to gain every advantage they can. The tools we utilize can give us specialized insights, make us more efficient, and ultimately increase revenue. I’m going to share ten of my favorite tools to improve your digital marketing results. I hope you will find at least one that is new to you, bringing some value to you and your business. The list is diverse and includes tips for focusing on your customers, search engine optimization, paid media, and more.

Remember, tools are nothing if you don’t have an appropriate strategy for your business, and skilled people working in unison to implement that strategy. There is no magic pill or silver bullet that is going to generate you a bunch of new sales. What you can do though is leverage amazing tools like these to provide additional insight and make you more effective.

(Bonus: I’ve included a larger list of tools below in case you’re a tools junkie like me. If I happened to miss one you think should be included, just reach out or comment below.)

I’m currently writing a book called “Future Proof Your Marketing.” In that book I make the assertion that Customer Experience (CX) will become one of the largest ranking factors in the next ten years. If you want to create amazing experiences for your customers now, and also position yourself for the future, you should be tracking and improving customer experience.

So let’s start this list with one of my favorite tools that does just that:


  1. GatherUp

GatherUp is a great tool to create a customer feedback loop, measure your customer experience, and drive more online reviews. It contains a rich feature set for tracking your overall net promoter score (NPS). With customer experience increasing in importance, you’ll want to see how the changes you make improve customer satisfaction. At Webfor we have a white-labeled version of GatherUp that we can set up and help manage for our clients.

SEMrush tool

  1. SEMrush

SEMrush is another one of my favorites, and not just because I use it almost every day. It includes a robust set of tools that can help inform content, SEO, PPC, social, and a number of other digital marketing aspects.

Understand Your Customer
We do A LOT of customer research at Webfor in order to better understand the target customer, develop personas, and understand the customer journey. I want to share with you some of the tools we and our clients utilize in this process.


  1. Claritas

These days, you can discover an amazing amount of information about who your customers are. Claritas has taken the entire United States population and broke it down into 68 different segments. These ‘segments’ are basically personas that provide demographic and psychographic data. You can browse different segments and see where they live, their income, their job title, the kind of car they drive, and even the kinds of restaurants they frequent. If you find a segment that is a clear match for your customer, this is great to use for inspiration.


  1. CrystalKnows

You’re going to love this tool, but also be a little creeped out at the same time. This is one of the best tools to use to get a better understanding of a person’s psychology. It uses publicly available information, such as a LinkedIn profile, and applies a popular behavioral assessment tool—the DISC profile.

The DISC analysis describes your customer based on four personality traits:

  • D—Dominance. The D style tends to be direct, firm or even forceful. They value taking action, getting results, and are generally competitive.
  • I— Influence. The I style tends to be outgoing, enthusiastic and are generally optimistic in nature. Like the D style, they like to take action, but are more collaborative than competitive.
  • S—Steadiness. The S style tends to be patient and accommodating. They enjoy stability, and much like the I style, they tend to be collaborative and enjoy being helpful.
  • C—Conscientiousness. The C style is usually analytical and reserved. Similar to the S style, they prefer stability, but they value accuracy which causes them to challenge assumptions.

It’s important to note that everyone is a combination of these four personality traits. People are dynamic and they aren’t limited to just one trait.

We’ve had the opportunity to apply the DISC profile in many situations. For example, we’ve discovered that business owners tend to be more high-D individuals who make decisions quickly and focus on outcomes. So when we talk to them, we help them keep their eyes on the prize because that’s what they value. We also understand that they can sometimes come across as abrasive, but also like it when you’re blunt with them. This way we know we can communicate very directly to them. Your customer, on the other hand, might score higher on conscientiousness. If you know that, you can emphasize accuracy, expertise, and competency in your messaging.


  1. SurveyMonkey

Surveys are great tools you can use to reach out to your customers once you’ve built a customer list. Services like SurveyMonkey make it easy for you to build a survey and the recipient to complete the survey. To encourage participation, be sure to let survey-takers know that your goal is not to sell them something, but to understand them better and improve your level of service. You might also offer an incentive—a gift card giveaway for the first five responders for instance. They also have a free option that works for many businesses.


  1. Uxpressia

With this tool, you can visualize, analyze, export, and share customer journeys and personas. You can use it to add the customer’s picture and some background information, everything from what frustrations they might have to things you should never do.

Screaming Frog

  1. Screaming Frog

If your website is under 500 pages you can download and the free version of this website crawler to uncover and diagnose a large majority of SEO issues. This can help you analyze your websites title tags, meta descriptions, image files, alt tags, site architecture, url structure, meta robots tag, 404 errors, and numerous more issues.

Google Optimize

  1. Google Optimize

Why spend tons of money on complex A/B testing tools? Google Optimize provides A/B testing that integrates with Google Analytics and Google Ads seamlessly. This allows you to improve the user experience of your website by testing different images, layouts, and messaging to see which performs the best.


  1. SimilarWeb

This is a great tool for everything from seeing competitor analytics to uncovering the customers’ journey. If you want to know where your competitors are focusing their marketing efforts, you can try their free tool and analyze their website. It will share with you their estimated traffic, where that traffic is coming from, and what percentage of their traffic comes from each channel.


  1. Leadfeeder

Leadfeeder is an awesome tool for anyone who is in the business to business space. It easily integrates with Google Analytics and starts to show you the companies that are visiting your website. It also says how they found you and provides some context around their interests based on the pages they’ve visited. It even can pull in the contact information for the company and some of the potential contacts that may be appropriate to reach out to. And of course it integrates with a number of client relationship management systems.

I hope you found at least one tool that’s new to you and you get a chance to jump in and try it. Most of these tools are free or have a free trial and I’m sure you’ll get a lot of value from them. If you’re a tools junkie like me, please continue below where you will find XX more tools to help you on your path.

Additional Digital Marketing Tools:

Search Engine Optimization: Organic Search

Paid Ad Management


User Data and Research

Social Media Marketing (PR and Influencer)

Email Marketing and Marketing Automation

  • Chatbot
  • Email marketing tool that is free for up to 2,000 subscribers!

Content, Conversion Rate Optimization and User Experience