Get Hungry for Webfor’s New Content Tips Menu!


Finding the right content resources online can feel like looking for someone you know at a crowded carnival. All the lights, crowds, food vendors, and spinning rides have you so turned around that you can barely choose a direction, never mind locate someone specific.

If you do find a solid resource, it may be convoluted, long-form, and downright difficult to put into practical use. While detailed guides are incredibly helpful when you have time to digest them, a quick overview is sometimes all you need! With this in mind, we’ve put together this handy-dandy Content Menu, so you can pick the tip that best suits your needs, while keeping the others in view.

Download here!

Tasty Content Tidbits

I’ll leave you with three basic guidelines to keep in mind as you peruse the tip sheet:

  • Always, always remember your user: He/she/it is why you write and design content in the first place. Consider the needs of that person as equally important to those of your best friend or favorite pet. Google certainly does, which is why they rank user-friendly content higher than mediocre types with minimal information to share. Users matter, and by meeting those needs, your content will automatically find success in ways that will delight and even surprise you.
  • Content is more than words: Extreme said it best. While written content is a huge part of what we mean when we refer to “content,” the term itself refers to images, video, infographics – anything you use on your website to visually or verbally convey your message. For a successful content campaign, use as many types as makes sense, for a diverse experience that appeals to a wide range of users.
  • Keep your content fit, not flabby: Flabby content gets created and then just sits around, waiting for someone to dust it off and find somewhere for it to function. Your goal is to build active content that can barely be contained, words or images that leap out of your hands into highly visible, authoritative, and useful homes on the web where they can start to impact your end users. Don’t make content and leave it by the wayside. Prioritize posting or outreaching what you create as a major and immediate part of your process.

For more tips, download this Webfor’s delicious Content Menu . . . and stay tuned for more content-friendly downloads, coming soon!