Phd-Free G+ Management Tips and Tricks

Google+ Business Profile


You have G+ questions… We have G+ answers.

Depending on your familiarity with G+, your experience working with this valuable business listing platform may vary from smooth to a migraine-inducing experience.

Ultimately the difference between a G+ Spa Day and Google’s version of a psychological stress test is knowing how to play the game. We’ll start off with the basics and work our way, step by step, through to the more complex areas of profile management. If you have trouble, feel free to contact our team for expert assistance!


1. How Do I log into my personal G+ account?

Logging into a personal G+ account:

Google Account Login

In order to gain access to your personal G+ account, you need to have a Gmail account, or login with the email used to set up an account. If you don’t have an account set up ( , you probably don’t have access to your G+ Business Listing or will need to create one for your business.  You’ll know you have accessed your G+ personal profile when you see something like this (insert image) in the top right hand of your window. Click on the yourname+ link.

2. How do I log into my business G+ business listing?

Logging into G+ Business Listing:

Once you have accessed your G+ profile, perform a search for your business after clicking the People and Places option.

select business png

If your business listing shows up as an option, click it. There may be more than one option to choose from. (If more than one version of your business is listed, you may have duplicate listings which need to be claimed, merged, and or deleted.) If you are a manager on the account you will see  the blue “Manage this page” button. Congratulations! You have management level access to your business. The next step is finding out what type of management access you have.

manage this page

3. Why are there different types of Account Managers for my G+ Business Page?

 Different Types of Management Access: 

There are three different types of management accounts that allow you to make changes your business listing and also add other managers to the account, Owner, Manager, and Communications Manager.

Owner: Can edit, add or delete managers, delete the business account, edit the business profile, manage YouTube videos, and Hangouts on Air, and Post to customers, respond to reviews, and view Insights.

Manager: Edit the business profile, manage YouTube videos, and Hangouts on Air, and Post to customers, respond to reviews, and view Insights.

Communications Manager: Can post to customers, respond to reviews, and view Insights.

Check to see what level of access you have by clicking on the “Manage This Page” button. After the page loads, click on the gear icon on the profile preview page and select the “Settings” option from the dropdown menu.

On the Settings page, select the Managers option. This will take you to the Managers page.

Once on the Managers page check to see if you are an Owner, Manager, or a Communications Manager. If you are an Owner, you can edit the current managers by clicking on the “X” in their profile window, or add new Managers by clicking the “Add Managers” button.

Managers Panel


Now that you have access to your account, if you are an Owner, or Manager you can update your profile if the information is incorrect. It is extremely important that all the information in your G business profile is 100% accurate! Any incomplete or incorrect data on your profile may hinder the ability to get your G+ business ranked in Google search returns.


4. How do I change my G+ business profile image?

Changing Profile Photo:

Adding a profile image to your business profile is very important. Typically a business logo or professional profile picture is used if you are an individual operating the business.

Click on the camera icon that appears when you mouse over the round image holder in the top left hand area of the business profile preview area.

Change Profile Photo

At this point you can either drag and drop an image, select an image from your computer, download an image, use a webcam capture, tagged image, or a url of the image you want to use as your profile image. The image needs to be a minimum of 250 x 250 pixels.

Image Options for G+

5. How do I change my G+ Business background image?

 Changing Background Image:

Adding or making a change to your background image is probably one of the more confusing tasks to accomplish on your G+ business page. The first thing you need to do is, while in the profile panel, click the “Google+ Page” selection from the “My Business” dropdown on the left hand side of the page.

G+ Profile Background Change Link

This will take you to your “live” G+ profile page where you can add a background image by clicking on the “Change Cover” button.

Change Cover Photo

Following a similar process, you can add/edit your profile image by either selecting a premade background, uploading a new background, or using one from galleries or cover photos previously uploaded to your account.

G+ Background Image Selection Options

6. How do I edit my G+ Business Profile Information?

Edit Profile Button

Editing the rest of your business profile information is accomplished by clicking the red “Edit” button in the top right side of the profile preview area. This will take you to the Business Info edit interface.

Webfor Business Info Main

7. How do I change my G+ Business Name?

Editing Business Name:

One of the most important items for accuracy on your profile is your business name. The best recommendation is the name used on your business license or DBA. Google checks multiple sources to ensure the veracity of the business by checking the name against as many official records as possible.

Business Name Edit Area

Edit the business name navigate to the section and click on the pencil icon to pop up the interface where you can edit the current or add a new business name. Depending on the nature of the business name change, edits may take a few days to show up pending review by Google.

Business Name Entry Interface

8. How do I change my G+ Business Address?

Editing Business Street Address:

Ensuring that your business address is correct is very important regarding ranking in Google. You want to make sure that the address on G+ matches the address being used on your website and any official documentation that Google may be referencing to verify your business data.

Business Address Edit Box

Edit the Street Address by navigating to its section and clicking on the pencil icon to pop up the interface where you can edit street address. Edits may take a few days to show up pending review by Google.

Business Address Edit Interface

9. How do I change my G+ Business Contact Information?

Editing Contact Information:

It is very important to make sure that your contact information is completely up to date. This includes the business phone number, website url, and email address. These areas are very important to have correct as they directly affect the ability of visitors to your G+ business page to get in touch with you.

Contact Info Edit Area

Edit the business contact information by navigating to its section and clicking on the pencil icon to pop up the interface and edit the business phone number, website url, and email address. Edits may take a few days to show up pending review by Google.

G+ Contact Info Interface

10. How do I change my G+ Business Category Listings?

Editing Categories:

Your business category listings are crucial to making sure your G+ business shows up in searches for the goods or services you provide. While it may be tempting to add as many categories as possible, adding those that may not be your business focus can hurt you if Google decides you are attempting to manipulate their search results.

Category Info Edit Area

Edit the business category information by navigating to its section and clicking on the pencil icon to pop up the interface and add or delete categories to your G+ business profile. Edits may take a few days to show up pending review by Google..

Business Category Edit Interface

11. How do I change my G+ Business Hours of Operation 

Editing Hours of Operation:

The ability for your business to rank during specific times of the day is determined by your hours of operation, especially if your business is a brick and mortar business where your goods and or services are obtained in person at your location.

Hours of Operation Info Edit Area

Edit your hours of operation by navigating to its section and clicking on the pencil icon to pop up the interface and edit the weekday hours of operation. If you have irregular time intervals during the week that your business is open or on weekends you can also add the specific days and times of busines hours.

Business Hours Edit Interface

12. How do I change my G+ Business Introduction?

Editing Business Introduction:

Your business introduction is what people see when they visit your G+ Business page. It is important to feature the areas of expertise, products and or services offered by your business.

Business Introduction Edit Area

Edit the business introduction by navigating to its section and clicking on the pencil icon to pop up the interface and add or edit your intro on your G+ business profile. Edits may take a few days to show up pending review by Google..

Business Introduction Edit Interface

13. How do I edit or add images to my G+ Business Listing?

Adding Gallery Photos

Images of your business, staff, products and or services help increase the graphical feel of your G+ Business page. Adding great images improve your chances of users clicking through to your site or contacting you directly for more information about your business.

Maps and Search Photos Edit Area

Edit or add photos to your G+ Business profile by navigating to the Maps and Search Photos section and clicking on the pencil icon to open the photos interface. Delete photos by clicking on the grey x that appears when you mouse over an image. Click on the Upload More button to select images from your computer to upload to your profile.

Maps and Search Photos Editing Interface

14. How do I respond to reviews on my G+ Business Listing?

Google reviews are a major part of the algorithm they use to rank your business. It is important to monitor your reviews in order to resolve any potential negative responses you may get from a customer on your profile. If you have received a negative review, conventional wisdom holds that you contact the user and try to resolve the situation and then post a response to the review detailing the resolution of the situation. You may also respond to positive reviews as well. If you need to update an ongoing response, you can also edit any comments you have made on a review.Edit or Respond to Reviews

Post a response to any review by navigating to the About section on your live G+ business page. Scroll down to the “Reviews” section, locate the review you wish to respond to and click “Respond”. Add any comments or observations you may have based on the information posted by the user. If you need to edit any comments on a review you have made in the past, find the appropriate review and click “Edit” on your response to change the comment.

If you find yourself in a position needing additional help to claim, transfer, accessing, or setting up a new G+ Business profile, please contact us to discuss your needs!

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