Three Quick Tips to Make Better Website Designs

Want to be a better UX/UI designer? Then here are three quick tips that might help! 

1. Let things breathe.

White space and lots of it. The end 🙂 

Seriously, giving your site enough breathing room between elements is wildly important. Too much content, too many boxes, and too many images will not only distract a user but can frustrate them too. Remember that users are looking for quick answers to their questions. Your hope is that you’re the one they contact for services/products!

So give things some space! Let the design breathe.


2. Bigger and bolder.

It’s time for bigger fonts, bolder messaging, and simpler experiences. That doesn’t mean you have a headline, photo and you call it good. Some content is good, strong headlines are good, but add some video and other dynamic forms of media to the page.

52% of users say they won’t return to a website because of its poor design (source). Meaning, it just doesn’t look/feel good to them. So, make something that looks good! 🙂 

You also need to create an emotional connection with a user. Spend some time developing a unique value proposition, a strong brand book, and a highly UX/UI optimized website.

3. Clear calls-to-action.

I know it can be tempting to push for 5+ types of actions on a site, but that’s so 2021. Consider compressing your primary actions into less than 3 options for a user. Those actions might be:

  • Phone number
  • Contact form
  • Estimate form

Okay, maybe two 😀 

Keep it simple where it makes sense. Users don’t want to spend a lot of time on a site trying to figure out what they need to do. They’ll just leave. 88% of users are less likely to return to a website after a bad experience! (source) And, 68% of users won’t submit a form if there are too many requirements.

The moral of the story is? Keep things easy, clean, and straightforward. Don’t pack too much on the page and let users get to where they want to go quickly. Remember, your site should be constructed in a way that builds confidence and trust with the user.

So, it’s gotta look good! 

Many thanks for reading this one. I’ll see you again soon! 🙂